The Journey
Discover 3650 out of this world moments of the Ausbots travelling through space in the Solaris-verse with 7 unique scenes by 7 unique Ausbots! Loads of background features This is like no other space trip you have seen before.
The Launch
As the countdown begins, the anticipation and excitement are palpable. 10 seconds before launch, the fear and anxiety set in. But as soon as the engines ignite and the rocket begins to lift off the ground, all of those emotions are forgotten. The only thing that matters is the sheer force of the acceleration, pushing you back into your seat and making your heart race. For those few minutes, you feel truly alive.
The Orbital Insertion
As the rocket is performing an orbital insertion, you can feel both excited and nervous. However, there can also be a sense of calm as the you experience weightlessness. It's like you can finally breathe after holding your breath for so long. You feel free and unrestricted, like you could float forever. It's a wonderful feeling and it's something that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.
The Translunar Injection
From the outside, a rocket during trans lunar injection looks like it's flying smoothly and effortlessly through space. But on board, the ride is far from smooth. The rocket is constantly accelerating and changing directions, and the G-forces are intense. The Austrobot on board feels a mix of excitement, fear, and exhilaration. They know they are on their way to something amazing, and they can't wait to see what's on the other side.
The Translunar Trajectory
It feels amazing to be on board a spacecraft traveling to the moon! With the engines shutdown there is a peaceful silence and I am alone with my thoughts. I am filled with excitement and anticipation as I think about all of the incredible things that I will get to see and experience. I am also feeling a bit nervous, as I am not sure what to expect. But overall, I am feeling incredibly lucky and privileged to be able to have this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The Lunar Orbit
There is a sense of awe and wonder when orbiting the moon. It is a surreal experience to see the barren landscape below and to know that you are the only one for miles and miles. There is a sense of accomplishment in being one of the few people to have ever visited this place. You embrace the sense of weightlessness, it is very peaceful and calming.
The Lunar Decent
The experience of lunar descent is one of anticipation and excitement. As the spacecraft nears the lunar surface, the view out the window changes from the blackness of space to the gray of the lunar landscape. The surface of the moon becomes clearer and clearer as the spacecraft descends. At the same time, the heart rate increases and the breathing quickens. There is a sense of awe and wonder at the sight of the moon up close. The final moments of the descent are the most thrilling, as the landing gear touches down on the surface of the moon.
The Moon Landing
It feels incredible to step onto the moon for the first time. You can't believe that you are finally here, standing on this foreign, yet familiar, place. You feel a sense of accomplishment as you think about all the people who have worked so hard to make this moment possible. You can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed as you take in your surroundings and think about all that has led you to this moment. You feel a sense of excitement as you think about all the possibilities that lay ahead, this is an experience you will never forget.